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Central Avian Research Institute
To provide all-round support to the growth of the poultry sector, Central Avian Research Institute (CARI) was established on the 2nd November, 1979 at Izatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh under the aegis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
Since its inception, this Institute has been providing need based R&D support for diversified poultry production, processing and marketing. The Institute is also continuously updating its R&D focus with the latest developments taking place globally and in accordance with the changing needs of the domestic poultry sector. It also provides post-graduate education, training and technology transfer activities for augmenting productivity, production and profitability of the Indian poultry sector.
Short Term Trainings
Farmers’ training:
It is an orientation training to start poultry farming organised every year . Any literate person is eligible for enrolling to the course.
Enrolment fee: Rs. 700/- for General/OBC candidates and Rs. 400/- for SC/ST candidates only.
In-service personnel training:
Specialized training courses on poultry farming are organized at the Institute for in-service personnel of various State Government Departments to update them with the latest technological know-how.
Sponsored training courses:
Sponsored training courses on poultry production management are being organized time to time on demand for the farmers nominated by A.H. Deptt., Govt. of Bihar and ATMA.
Training for Defence personnel:
Training courses on poultry production management are being organized for the army soldiers nominated by Gorkha Resettlement Training Unit and other army units.
The ICAR-Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar offers Specialized Training Courses for Veterinary Officer/Technical Personnel of various Departments/Institutions including Public/Private Organizations and big and small entrepreneur/poultry farmers
Duration: Each specialized training is of 12 working days duration.
Course Fee: The fee for each course is Rs. 5000/person.
Eligibility: For all courses, the candidate must preferably be a graduate in any stream.
How to Apply: Brief resume supported by educational records and forwarding/sponsoring note from the employer may be sent to the Director, CARI, Izatnagar, Bareilly- 243122 (UP) or e-mail to
[email protected]/
Certificate: The trainees will be awarded with a Training Certificate from the Director, CARI, Izatnagar after successful completion of the training.
International Trainings
Advances in Poultry Hatchery Management
The course is designed to enhance knowledge and skill of the participants from developing countries involved in hatchery operation and management aspects of poultry production. Training is imparted through lectures and practical demonstrations.
Duration: 3 wks
Course Content:
- Recent developments in hatchery management
- Layout of modern hatchery
- Management of male and female breeders
- Nutrient needs for better fertility and hatchability
- Factors affecting fertility and hatchability
- In ovo feeding of nutrients and vaccination
- Major events in embryo development
- Hatchery operation
- Analyzing low hatchability
- Hatchery sanitation and hygiene
- Hatchery waste disposal
- Economics of hatchery unit
- Record keeping
- Visit to farm hatchery
Advances in Poultry Nutrition and Feed Technology
The course is designed to enhance knowledge and skill of the participants from developing countries involved in poultry nutrition and feed technology aspects of poultry production. Training is imparted through lectures and practical demonstrations.
Duration: 3 wks
Course Content:
- Nutrient needs for growth and production
- Possible interactions among nutrients
- Biotechnology leading to better digestibility
- Antinutrients/Toxicants and amelioration
- Feeding value/quality testing
- Feed additives and nutraceuticals
- Gut health and immunomodulation
- Nutrition for breeders
- in ovo feeding
- Juvenile nutrition
- Cost effective formulation
- Feed compounding
- Feed processing technology
- Visit to feed plant
Advances in Poultry Processing and Products Technology
The course is designed to enhance knowledge and skill of the participants from developing countries involved in egg and poultry processing and quality assurance of poultry products. Training is imparted through lectures and practical demonstrations.
Duration: 3 wks
Course Content:
- National/global scenario in egg technology and poultry processing
- Egg processing technology
- Primary and further- processing of poultry
- Egg and poultry meat quality evaluation
- Value- added poultry products
- Packaging of poultry products
- Microbiology of fresh and processed poultry products
- Bio- and phyto-contaminants in egg and meat
- By-product utilization
- Concept and application of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) in egg and poultry processing
Artificial Insemination Technology for Poultry
The course is designed to enhance knowledge and skill of the participants from developing countries involved in artificial insemination technology aspect of poultry production from developing countries. Training is imparted through lectures and practical demonstrations.
Duration: 3 wks
Course Content
- Comparative avian reproductive systems
- Spermatogenesis and sperm maturation
- Structure/function of avian spermatozoa
- Biochemical composition of semen
- Follicular growth and atresia
- Ovulation and oviposition
- Optimization of variables influencing male/female reproductive functioning
- Direct in situ exposures of different parts of male/female reproductive systems
- Methodology of avian semen collection
- Semen evaluation/dilution/preservation
Biotechnological Tools for Poultry Production
The course is designed to enhance knowledge and skill of the participants from developing countries involved in biotechnological research for poultry production. Training is imparted through lectures and practical demonstrations.
Duration: 3 wks
Course Content:
- Merits of biotechnological tools
- Functional genomics
- Molecular techniques
- Marker assisted selection
- Production of recombinant cytokines
- Genetic characterization of poultry
- Breeding for increased disease resistance
- Gene silencing
- Development of immuno- competent stocks
- Proteomics
- Embryo culture and transgenesis
Breeding Strategies for Egg and Meat
The course is designed to enhance knowledge and skill of the participants from developing countries involved in poultry breeding strategies for egg and meat production. Training is imparted through lectures and practical demonstrations.
Duration: 3 wks
Course Content:
- Relevance of poultry breeding research
- Important economic traits
- Selection methods and breeding programme
- Male and female breeder stock
- Artificial insemination techniques
- Incubation and hatchery operation
- Feeding and rearing systems
- Genotype-environment interactions
- Developed avian germplasm
- Record keeping
- Poultry health and bio-security
- Cost return analysis
- Visit to broiler and layer farm
Contact Details
Central Avian Research Institute
Izatnagar-243122 (UP) India
Website: https://cari.icar.gov.in/