UPSCHE: Uttar Pradesh State Council of Higher Education

Based on the recommendations of National Policy on Education, 1986, the UP State Higher Education Council was established in the year 1995 under Article 200 of the Indian Constitution and was implemented by an Uttar Pradesh State Council for Higher Education Act, 1995.The committee recommended that there is a pressing need for an effective machinery for promotion and co-ordination of Higher Education at the State level and co-ordination of State level programmes by the said Committee; therefore, State Government has accordingly established a State Council of Higher Education on May 25, 1995 as recommended in the National Policy on Education of the Government of India and by the University Grants Commission.

Functions of Uttar Pradesh State Council of Higher Education

Planning and Co-ordination

Under planning and coordination, UPSCHE prepares consolidated programmes in the sphere of higher education in the state keeping in view the overall priorities and perspective of higher education in the State and the guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission and assist in their implementation. It also
assists the University Grants Commission in respect of determination and maintenance of standards and suggest remedial action wherever necessary.

Academic Functions

Among other academic functions it encourages innovations in curriculum development, restructuring and updating of syllabi in Universities and colleges. It also co-ordinates the programmes of autonomous colleges and to monitor their implementation. UPSCHE facilitates training of teachers in Universities and colleges and to oversee the functioning of the academic staff colleges through co-ordination and to encourage publication of quality text books, monographs and reference books etc.

Advisory Functions

UPSCHE makes suggestions to the State Government regarding the norms, if any relating to the establishment of new Universities and colleges. It identifies and administers innovative programmes for sustainable growth through self generating funds from services such as consultancy to industries, institutions and national and international organizations.

Financial Functions

It releases and monitors grants-in-aid to Universities and colleges for the purposes specified by the State Government. It administers and regulates the Student Welfare Fund, National Scholarship, other scholarships, Travel Grants, Publication Grant and such other grants as may be specified by the State Government.

Some of the other functions of UPSCHE are publishing the history of freedom-fighters of Uttar Pradesh and
perform such other functions necessary for promoting excellence in higher education and research.

Contact Details

U.P. State Council of Higher Education
Room No. 619, 6th Floor,
Indira Bhawan
Lucknow-226001 U.P.

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