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Banda University of Agriculture and Technology
Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, (BUAT) Banda has been established as a full-fledged State University, on 2nd March 2010 and is known as the “First Agricultural University of Bundelkhand Region”. Initially it was named as “Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda”, which was changed as “Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda” on 4th December 2014.
The University is committed to the cause of Indian Agriculture through its quality teaching, demand-driven and location-specific research and extension programmes in the light of dynamism of socio-economic and agro-ecological conditions, management perceptions, international trade’s scenarios and Government policies.
Mandate of the University:
- To create human resource, trained in agricultural and allied sciences that may cater the need of 21st century. To produce, scientifically and technically sound graduates with entrepreneurial skills, who can provide employment to unemployed rural and urban youths.
- To generate technically-sound humans who can apply their acquired knowledge and skills to diversify and industrialize agriculture for socio-economic transformation of the rural society.
- Development of technical skills for coordinating agriculture with industry.
- To generate innovative agriculture technology to make Indian Agriculture globally competitive.
- To apply all possible sources of scientific interventions to the solution of the technical and practical problems of agriculture.
- To boost up basic research to accelerate the progress of agriculture with the inputs of fundamental knowledge.
- To solve the specific agriculture related problems, being faced by farming community.
- To formulate specific package of practices for optimization of farmers’income of different holding sizes viz. large, medium, small and marginal.
Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Courses
- B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture
- Plant Breeding and Genetics
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Entomology
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Engineering
- Plant Pathology
- Agricultural Extension
- Crop Physiology
- Statistics and Computer Science
- BSc. (Hons) Horticulture
- Fruit Science
- Vegetable Science
- Post Harvest Technology
- Floriculture and Landscaping
- Natural Resource Management 
- Basic Sciences and Humanities
- B.Sc. (Hons) Forestry
- B.Sc. (Hons) Home Science
- M.Sc. (Agriculture)
- Plant Breeding and Genetics
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Entomology
- Agricultural Economics
- Plant Pathology
- Agricultural Extension
- M.Sc. (Horticulture)
- Fruit Science
- Vegetable Science
- Post Harvest Technology
- Floriculture and Landscaping
Banda University of Agriculture and Technology Admission
The University offers admission to various Under Graduate and Post Graduate programmes on the basis of UP-CATET. However, in B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture and B.Sc. (Hons) Horticulture programmes some seats are reserved to be offered through ICAR. For details see
Entrance ExamsBUAT Examination
The university typically uses a semester-based assessment system with exams held in December and March. The midterm exam for odd semesters is often held in September, whereas for even semesters it is held in May or June. The final practical exam is held in May or November, depending.
Academic Session
Typically, new student orientation and classes start in July.
BUAT Placement
The companies that are visited most frequently are many well-known and well-liked ones, such as Heritage Foods, GAIL, DOW Chemicals, BASF, Hindustan Copper Ltd., ITC, etc. Additionally, the University Director of Training and Placement may be contacted by students.
Contact Details
Banda University of Agriculture and Technology
Banda, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Pin : 210001
Website: https://buat.edu.in/